Theme 2021 is 'Education'
Pretty much everyone you know will have been educated. In the Netherlands you go to school from 4 to 17 years or older. This system has been around since the start of the postmodern era. So education is important… But why is it important; what is the purpose of education? Education In the Netherlands, education is generally understood to mean: the transfer of knowledge, skills and attitude within a structure determined by the government by persons trained for this purpose. It is very self-evident for us that you follow education; it is necessary to be able to participate in society. Subsequently, much is written about what knowledge, skills and attitude are needed and how we should learn them. In this way we can prepare students well for society and give them a worthy diploma. It is often said that there is no future without a diploma. However, this is not always true: examples of successful people without a degree abound (Steve Jobs, Henry Ford, Churchill, etc.). Of course, these are relatively exceptions, but in a technologically rapidly changing society such as today, in which compulsory education was extended a few years ago, we would like to take you on a 4 evening journey into the world of Limburg education.
The program looks like this:
Nov 1, 2021
Nadine Roijakkers Director Education Expertise Center Open University
November 1, 2021 Nadine Roijakkers Director Education Expertise Center Open University We are faced with major social challenges that require important transitions, such as the energy transition. Transitions in which leadership, working & learning together, connection, etc. are of great importance. What role does higher education play in this? The Open University plays an important role in the system of Dutch universities. This role is mainly focused on emancipation and innovation. In this lecture we zoom in on this role and we try to answer the following questions, among others: How sustainable is higher education? How innovative is education? How inclusive is education? What transition is education undergoing?
Nov 8, 2021
Guido Rijninks head of Education and training of the Cicerozorggroep Training in practice
How do I learn? What are the conditions for a good 'learning climate' for me? More and more demands are made to acquire, process and share information. Working together, connecting and taking employees along in the development is a challenge.... Work was once a task that you had to be physically able to perform, now we live in a challenging society where; doing work, making demands on your personal development. Who am I and what can I do? To what extent does Rotary contribute to this? Does Rotary offer me/you a good learning climate where your personal development and the pursuit of a better world come together? On this evening with the subject: "Training in practice", we will make the connection between the activities you perform and your personal qualities in order to be able to give substance to this. Guido Rijninks, member of Rotary Landgraaf and once Rotaracter, was first allowed to discover the world and then to include these experiences in the study to become a teacher of geography/social studies. He moved from the Randstad to a 'south' designed for welfare to start working here as a trainer and program manager in education. The connection was soon made with companies and institutions where what had been learned had to be put into practice. Organizing and supporting learning practice with learning trajectories and coaching is my own. As interim Education and training of the Cicero care group, I am responsible for a good learning climate with a team of 16 employees.
21 november 2022
Suzan van de Bergh,
Coördinator Talentenschool
Esther Nieuwenhuysen, Bestuursadviseur stichting Kindante
On its website, the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science indicates at a glance how the vision of the mission of education has changed in recent decades. Whereas previously knowledge transfer and socialization were mainly designated as tasks for basic education, the focus is now on equality of opportunity. If everyone gets an equal chance, then all the talent in the Netherlands can flourish.
The Kindante Foundation is the largest education foundation within the Western Mining Region with 35 schools for regular and special primary education and for special education.
In this lecture we will take you through the changed task for primary education, particularly in the field of equality of opportunity. We also show how we shape this within the Kindante foundation based on the example of the Talent School. An initiative intended for children from vulnerable target groups that offers an additional program during school hours, after school hours and also during the weekend. Focused on talent development in the broadest sense of the word, meaningful leisure activities and increasing development opportunities, which you will hear more about in the lecture.
November 22, 2021 Bob Joorman & Joey Mak Student and Career Counselors Maastricht University
Studying in higher education is accompanied by major changes. What happens during the transition from secondary education to university? Does the university take the student by the hand or are the students themselves responsible for successfully integrating into this new environment? How does the individual student relate to this new environment and what is the role of the educational institution? Which interventions are important for a smooth transition? As a student & career counselor at Maastricht University, we help students on a daily basis with their ambitions and problems on a personal, academic and (future) career level. In this interactive session we take you to our daily practice and we provide qualitative observations on developments in the university.
The partners of the members and other interested parties are also very welcome for all evenings.
The Autumn Evening Lectures take place at Op de Vos, Hasseltsebaan 100; 6135 GZ Sittard.
Evening schedule:
Reception between 6 pm and 6.30 pm.
A main course of your choice is served from 19:00.
The lectures start after the dishes have been taken up and continue at about 7.30 pm. We usually finish around 8.30 pm, including discussion and afterwards there is still room for an informal get-together.
For listeners who are not members of Rotary Club Sittard, the cost of the meal is € 12.00 - € 20.00 (depending on the chosen dish) excluding any drinks, to be paid on the evening itself at the bar of Op de Vos.
During the evenings there is the possibility to make a voluntary contribution to our rainwater project for the Coloma school in Uganda.
Everyone needs to register, this can be done via email:
The latest registration date is the Friday prior to the Monday on which you want to participate .
Ton van der Bruggen, Rotary Club Sittard