Nicole Mengelers, chair 2022-2023
What if........
What if we see each other as human beings
and not as a wappie, sheep or idiot
There is no limit to another opinion
but a look that widens your field
Or what if we try to understand
what drives, stops or provokes someone
A solution will never be able to mature
if you hide him under trouble
And what if we try to understand each other
instead of just coloring
try to be a little closer
What would happen then?
2021 Imke van Opstal
This year's theme is ' Imagine '.
Jennifer Jones has put this theme on the agenda for her board year as president of Rotary International. I am happy that as a woman I can chair Rotary Club Sittard in the year of the 1st female president. I also like that we are a mixed club because the best functioning teams are teams that consist of half men and women. Female and male leadership are linked to each other and, just like the hunters and gatherers in ancient times, they depend on each other. I was therefore happy to hear that Rotary Club Geleen will also allow women. It will be an enrichment for the club.
Being connected and feeling involved is my theme and I experience it as essential in life. Where there is loneliness and vulnerability, this is often lost.
June 24 I completed my coaching training. In the past year during this training I have learned a lot about my own process and my own vulnerability, but also what drives me and what has driven me and which choices I made and which I am making now. These are much more aware. I choose more for myself because it allows me to choose for others more consciously. What willingness do I have to listen to the other. To be open and to connect with what is happening in the other person. Next year's theme Imagine makes me think of a learned method, namely the Disney strategy. Walt Disney has built a vast empire on creativity and fantastic ideas, coupled with tremendous passion. He used three sub-persons. The Dreamer, the Realist and the Critic. Imagine is about dreams in my eyes. In it I dream that we as Clubs in the Western Mining Region feel even more connected and that we will commit ourselves to one common goal. Let us work this out in which we can be critical of the plan and especially look realistically at what it takes to realize it, but dare to dream big as a dreamer. This is how changes are realised.
I am starting a new board year with all of you. Let's make it a great year with attention and love for each other and for the most vulnerable in our society, where we must not forget how vulnerable we are ourselves.
Nicole Mengelers