International Projects
On the page we present the international projects that were developed by and together with
Rotaryclub Sittard, since May 17, 1976, were realized.
PROJECT: Coloma Orphans
Rotaryclub Sittard has been sponsoring the education of a number of girls at Coloma Primary School near Mbarara in Uganda since 2010. In the Coloma Orphans Program 90 children have been sponsored so far, or have been sponsored if they have already completed the training.
​Anyone who wishes can, as an individual or as a company/organisation, sponsor one or more children. The sponsorship program is explicitly also open to participants from outside the Rotary, and more than half of the sponsors are now not members of a Rotary club. Each sponsor commits itself for 7 years, so that the child in question does not have to be expelled from school in the meantime because there is no more money. For the group that starts at the beginning of 2018, the fixed annual contribution is € 300 per year per child. This amount is fully tax deductible from taxable income.
Each year, the sponsor is informed of the child's progress. The sponsor will of course also receive a number of other basic information about 'his/her' child.
Rotaryclub Sittard maintains close contact with the school and in 2009, 2014 and 2020 members of the club and partners paid a visit. Sponsors and other interested parties are always welcome at the school to see with their own eyes what is being done with the sponsorship money. In 2017 and 2018, for example, one of our sponsors, who was in the area for a different reason, also paid a visit.
In addition, when the sisters are in Europe on leave or for fundraising, they visit the Rotary Club. The last time this happened in August 2016. Of course, all sponsors are invited to those visits
The Coloma Orphans project has been made possible by the foundation " Stichting Hulpfonds Developing Countries in Africa ", hereinafter referred to as SHOLIA.
The SHOLIA foundation was established by Rotaryclub Sittard in 2002 and has the following objective: to provide support in the field of (medical) care and education, especially to institutions and individuals established in African developing countries.
If you would like more information about the SHOLIA foundation, please visit the website:
If you have any questions, comments or concerns, or are interested in participating in our sponsorship program, please
contact us at
PROJECT (International): Rainwater Harvesting, Coloma School
Rotary club Sittard............
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