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Under the menu option Projects, we present the international and regional projects that have been developed by and together with 

Rotaryclub Sittard, since May 17, 1976, were realized.

PROJECT (International): Coloma Orphans


Since 2010, Rotary Club Sittard has organised the sponsorship of the education of a number of girls at the Coloma Primary School near Mbarara, Uganda. In the Coloma Orphans Programme, 90 children have been sponsored so far, or have completed their education.


                                                                                Anyone can sponsor one or more children, as an individual or as a company/organisation.

                                                                                The sponsorship programme is explicitly also accessible to participants from outside the Rotary, and more

                                                                                than half of the sponsors are not members of a Rotary Club. Each sponsor commits himself for 7 years,

                                                                                so that the child in question does not have to be sent from school because there is no more money.

                                                                                because there is no money left. For the group that will start at the beginning of 2018, the fixed annual

                                                                                fee is.....


PROJECT (Regional): Wishing Tree Rotary - Kiwanis


Kènjerdruim in wishing tree - The Kènjerdruim Christmas action during Wèntjerdruim last year by Rotary Club Sittard and Kiwanis Sittard, was a resounding success. All children's dreams were fulfilled by the visitors of Sittard and the reactions to the action were heart-warming.


                                                                                That is why, this year again, the Rotary club and Kiwanis will transform the Christmas tree on the market

                                                                                in Sittard into a wishing tree. The wish lists of approximately 200 children from Sittard and Geleen,

                                                                                for whom it is not to receive a Christmas present as a matter of course, will be hung up in the wishing tree.

                                                                                The lists are filled in by the children themselves. You will find the members of the service clubs by

                                                                                the wishing tree and they will ask you to pick up a wish list of a child from of a child from the tree and fulfil

                                                                                his or her Christmas wish. The presents, from.....


PROJECT (Regionaal): Verrassingslunch voor alleenstaande ouderen uit de regio Sittard, Geleen, Stein en Beek


Op zondag 2 oktober 2022 hebben de gezamenlijke Rotary clubs van Sittard, Geleen, Elsloo Maaskant en Sittard Geleen Deux-Ville in het kader van

de 'Week tegen Eenzaamheid' een lunch georganiseerd voor alleenstaand ouderen uit de regio Sittard, Geleen, Stein en Beek.


                                                                               De ouderen welke zich hiervoor aangemeld hadden werden omstreeks 11:30 uur aan huis opgehaald

                                                                               en naar Kasteel Limbricht gebracht met speciaal vervoer. Zo’n dertigtal clubleden (gast- vrouwen / heren)

                                                                               hadden de zaal versierd en de gereedstaande tafels gedekt. 

                                                                               Fanfare St. Jan Leyenbroek verwelkomde de gasten met een heerlijk stukje muziek. 


                                                                               Omstreeks 12:30 uur waren de 89 gasten aan tafel en werd het voorgerecht door de

                                                                               clubleden geserveerd.....................


Verrassingslunch voor alleenstaande ouderen 2 okt 2022 (4).jpg
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